sabrina, wild and free

Friday, May 19, 2006

maybe blogger's time has come again for me...seems like there might be a mini-migration. the main thing that makes me like xanga better though is that i understand how to change the formatting, and here i can handle it to an extent, but i really have no clue how to get a template that i like (blogger's established ones that they offer seem so minimalistic, which is fine, but just not me...i'm frillier :-)). so if anyone knows how to point me in the right direction for blogger templates and how to install them, let me know!

here we go...

...blah, though...what's on my mind doesn't seem fit for consumption. thoughts and wonderings about spirituality and sexuality and life-uality...i don't feel like going there today.

6 feet under is over for me now...i've seen all the episodes. the last one last night really moved me...i felt like it renewed my perspective on life a little bit. and i realized today how much the fisher family parallels my own, emotionally. nate is my brother, david is both of my sisters, and i'm claire....all to a limited and metaphorical extent obviously. maybe that's why i find it so emotionally resonant. and i love the psychological implications of all their visions/dreams...the whole show is just so damn good. i don't know what will replace it now (i wish i could get hbo without having to pay for a huge cable package...i just want the music channels and hbo, thank you, and until i can get that, time warner and whoever else can kiss my ass, i'm making due with my 7 dollar antenna and seasons of things on dvd).

also, thong undies and the ones that only cover the top part of your butt cheeks are the joy of my life. i don't know how anyone wears normal underwear without feeling self-conscious ~ i can *always* see underwear lines on me if i do! plus a wedgie at some point during the day is inevitable with regular ones, so why not spare yourself the trouble and lodge it in there to begin with? :-D

this has been deep thoughts with sabrina, lol.


Blogger racquelwyn oceana said...


3:55 PM  

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